Elmwood Primary
Guys Farm Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, CM3 5NB
Tel: 01245 321301
Email: admin@elmwood.school
Welcome to our Class Page
Summer Term
Our topic for this half term is call What a Wonderful World it will see us investigate some of the world’s most amazing places. We will also identify geographical characteristics of the UK and learn to locate the 5 oceans. South Woodham Ferrers will also be a focus during this topic.
We will be reading:
Here we are by Oliver Jeffers
My friend Earth by Patricia McLachlan
Our writing will focus on:
Postcards and non- chronological report,
In maths we will be learning about:
Multiplication and division, Length and height, Mass, capacity and temperature
In Science we are learning about:
Living things and their environment
In Computing we will be focusing on:
Programming 2: ScratchJr